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Manage All Your Files Electronically

Catalog your organization's essential files.

Does your organization have file cabinets taking up half of your office? You wouldn't keep all those files unless they were important. Preferred has a solution to handle your company's information. We offer a comprehensive document management solution as a repository to help you streamline your business and improve the speed of productivity.

The experienced technicians at Preferred know the same solution doesn't work for everyone. To get the best file dispersal available,our technicians will work hand-in-hand with you to tailor a solution that will meet your organizational needs.

A Solution to Drive Business Forward

Utilizing Preferred's Document Management expertise boosts productivity.

A Document Management System (DMS), sometimes utilized as an integral component in an overall Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, is a dedicated file system where companies can manage all the vital information their organizations use to plan, run, and maintain continuity to help boost productivity. The DMS provides companies a free-flowing, collaborative outlet to manage all the information that is important if you want to add fluidity to your database. Our solution integrates with many of today's top database solutions to give you and your staff a user experience that will save everyone time.

You know that you'll go to great lengths to protect your data against threats from outside of your network, but occasionally the safety of your data is at risk from inside your network. As any company that works with a plethora of files will inevitably find out, files get moved around, changed, and lost entirely. A well-organized file structure saves end-users time, and significantly alleviates the hassle that comes along with digging through your network storage to find the version of the file you are after.

The cooperation options a properly-structured DMS present, allows options for archiving and version retrieval. Collaboration options, such as these, present members of a team additional options for obtaining access, as well as options to edit and save files. Since these files are redundantly cached, you know the version you are working on is the right version, every time.

Embrace a Greener Workplace

Go green by cutting down on the amount of paper that your organization uses.

It may be impossible to create a paperless office, but with many companies pushing forward with the integration of mobile devices into their workflow, there are opportunities for companies to decrease their carbon footprint. Steady growth means more documents and having digital copies of physical documents in your DMS allow organizations additional options to manage all of their company's information in one place.

For more information about how a properly managed Document Management System can benefit your organization, or if you would like to talk to someone about other of Preferred's IT services, call us today at 708-781-7110.


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