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croom new

The paint is dry…..and spirits high!!!

Preferred Celebrated Our Chicago Office Grand Opening 10/14/2019 - Serving Mac OS and WIndows OS Clients. Sparkly and fresh - our Chicago team loves the new space! Also, we had a blast at the grand opening. We'd love to have you visit soon.

Our NEW Chicago Address is:
Preferred Communication Systems
1624 W. Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60622

While we continue to serve our clients from our Tinley Park location we are excited about serving our Chicago based clients from our new Chicago digs.


The Preferred team has not only served the Windows OS community of businesses, but we have had MAC OS services for many years. Not many IT managed service service firms handle both platforms and do it well. Our team has an exceptional cross balance for MAC and WINDOWS environments.

We bought out a great company (MACMD) took their office space back in 2018 and with our growth in serving the MAC OS based businesses in Chicago we simply grew and needed to move to a new space.

When you need MAC OS, WINDOWS OS or a hybrid of both, call us up, come by and grab a refreshment and let’s talk.

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      Technology is the cornerstone of most modern business operations, making supporting this technology more important than ever. That’s one reason we’re so proud to provide IT assistance to our fellow businesses. As we’ve done so, however, we’ve noted that some assistance is re...

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      Best Places to Work - 5 YEARS STRONG!!

      Preferred is once again, honored for being a Best Place to Work for the fifth straight year!  Our team is what makes Preferred a Best Place to Work.  

      Daily Herald Suburban Business 2024 Best Places to Work Honorees The Daily Herald Suburban Business has announced the names of 51 companies, in 5 categories of competition, that are honored as the 2024 Best Places to Work in Illinois. This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Illinois, benefiting the state's economy, its workforce and businesses.