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Preferred Blog

Preferred has been serving the Tinley Park area since 1991, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

5 Personnel Expenses Saved By Outsourcing IT

It's convenient to have an in-house IT technician. If your computer freezes up, you can call the IT department and they will swoop in and save the day. This is how in-house IT is supposed to work, but it's hard to hire anyone that's 100% reliable. We think it's actually more advantageous to outsource your IT; here are 5 reasons why.

Onboarding Costs
Let's say you want to hire a new IT technician. Have you ever done the math and figured out how much it takes to hire a new staff member? Considering all the paperwork that must be processed by HR, including insurance, taxes, and all the other expenses that add up, and you're looking at $9,444.47 just to onboard a new employee at $8 an hour. There's no onboarding cost or signup fee with Preferred's managed IT service.

If you're lucky, you can find an IT technician to hire with loads of experience in exactly what you need; although, an experienced technician requires a larger salary. Your other option is to hire an inexperienced technician for less. In the long run, this move won't save you payroll dollars because you end up paying for their training. When you choose Preferred, it's essentially like onboarding a trained technician because we make sure our techs are fully trained before touching a client's computer.

Time Off
For something as important as your computer network, you almost have to hire two technicians because you cannot risk leaving your system unattended when one technician goes on vacation or has a sick day; and with the way technology works, the one day your technician is out, is the one day your server will crash. At Preferred, we are fully staffed to handle any of your technology emergencies at any time.

The bigger your staff is will mean the bigger your insurance bills will be. More employees means you will pay more for unemployment insurance, property insurance, medical insurance, and any other insurance. By outsourcing your IT work, you can keep your premiums low with a smaller staff.

The biggest personnel expense that you will save by outsourcing your technology needs with Preferred is payroll. Take the yearly salary of what it would cost you to pay for one technician and you will see drastic savings compared to how much a service contract with Preferred will run you.

You may be thinking to yourself that, with an in-house technician, you will have someone right there by your side in case you need something. Preferred can compete with that particular need using our remote maintenance and monitoring tools. A call to Preferred from any of your employees will result in instant help, and we have the ability to remote into your workstation from our end to take care of issues. It's as if we are right there!

We're sure you can think of several more advantages from outsourcing your IT service with Preferred. Your office will be quieter, you will have more space to spread out, more room in the break room fridge, less drama, the list goes on. The most important advantage is that you will have more money freed up to invest in your business, which means it will grow quicker so you can hire additional personnel in newly created positions that will generate more revenue!

To learn what it takes to outsource your company's IT department with our trained staff, give us a call at 708-781-7110.

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